That Time My Sister Listened To Me

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Hey Ya’ll,
So, I’m going to tell you all a quick story.  Back in 2021, I applied for my first business cohort, and I got in.  It was the BEST experience I ever had and any chance I get, I am telling people to apply…just like how I’m always sending out the grant list and telling ya’ll get these dollars!
Fast forward, the program is now being offered in multiple cities.  I made my post, sent out some messages, and continued on with my day.
Fast forward again, my sister sent me this message last night.
My sister texts me ALL the time for business advice because she’s working on growing her own business.  Just a few weeks prior, she made a post about a template she made for her clients.  The post went viral -->
(and it had four times as many views on TikTok).
Here messages and comments were flooded with people that wanted to BUY the template she had made for her personal business use.
Who did she call?
Me!  Now, I knew she was overwhelmed, so I made a quick tutorial for her, screen recorded the process, wrote out a quick message she could send, gave her some options on payments from the purchasers, and she started collecting money that evening!
It was that easy!

You might be wondering:

Well, she also applied and was accepted!
So, here’s the thing, I get messages all the time and questions and I direct people to the Clarity Call. Everyone that has taken the Accelerated Course, purchased a Consultation Package, or is currently in the #GETIT program has the same access through the Private Chat Community.
However, I know everyone doesn’t need to join the course.  That is why I am opening up access to the Private Chat Community.
What are the benefits of joining:
  • Access to live monthly meetings
  • First glance at the mini guides
  • Access to templates
  • Find an accountability partner
  • Ask questions as needed and get answers from myself and other community members
The new member and welcome back kickoff session is next Saturday.
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