
Fear of the Unknown

While there are currently pockets of panic going on across the world, I have been getting calls, texts, and emails about online classes. People aren’t just reaching out about the classes I offer, they’re ready to take on the virtual world of education. Or, they’ve sat with me and made their online course but they never made them available.

I’m thinking about now, but I am also thinking about tomorrow. I question what will the world of education look like after this passes. I wonder how classroom teachers, who have never taught online, are faring as their schools are closing. The CEO of ZOOM, an online video conferencing tool, has made the app free for educators.

I have already worked with classroom teachers to create classes online and oftentimes they decide the classroom is a better fit because they can’t quite navigate making their physical class a virtual one. Clients that have never taught in a physical classroom actually do much better. Some of the classroom teachers stick with it once they let go of their training and focus on their passion (not the prescribed curriculum they have been forced to teach).

This is a great opportunity to see what you can teach online if that is an interest. Teaching online doesn’t have to be a full-time job or a career change. It offers a second income. It allows people to learn your skill.

My free FAQ will be moved to the end of April as my current classes are full, I’m adding more sessions, and doubling my class offerings at a reduced price to assist families that are now finding that online learning is a resource they can use to assist in their child’s learning.

Unfortunately, online learning is still a “have” and the “have-nots” don’t have access to these resources. There are many areas of concern but this can be an opportunity for growth. Rather than being fear-driven, and this could be any fear attached to the unknown, prepare for what can be learned from the experience.

If you’re curious about teaching online, click the link and enroll in the upcoming encouragement circle and receive newsletters to help you on your journey.


One thought on “Fear of the Unknown

  1. Juin says:

    I agree this is the biggest thing that stopped me. Now I have moved forward, valuing my experience and ability to share it. Thank you Jade

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