
Teaching Online: Outschool vs VipKid Part I

Outschool vs VipKid There are has been a large influx of VipKid teachers venturing to teach on the Outschool platform. Both platforms utilize online technology to educate children, but there are some major differences. VipKid teaches children English with ready-made class material and Outschool has a variety of classes from academic to extracurricular. While there […]

Homeschooling with Outschool

When I first found out about Outschool, I was teaching my private students online, working for VipKid, and another online tutoring company. Someone in the VipKid Facebook group mentioned Outschool but complained that it was too difficult because they were used to a pre-made curriculum. Coming from a teaching background, I already knew how to […]

Cost of Online Teaching for Students and Teachers

The Cost of Online Education When you consider the cost of regular traditional schooling, parents are spending about $700/year, the cost is equivalent to homeschooling. However, the purchases are different. For traditional schooling, you have back-to-school clothing, class pictures, field trips, fundraisers, etc. With homeschooling, parent spending is typically for curriculum and extracurriculars. How Does […]