
Tag Archives: entrepreneur

Using AI to Develop an Online Course Part II

In today’s fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we work, communicate, and learn. In the realm of education, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked both excitement and debate. While some may express concerns, I firmly believe that understanding and harnessing AI technology can be beneficial. […]

How Can AI be Used to Develop Online Courses

This entire blog is brought to you by open Ai, a chat generator. I am inlcuding the questions I posed with the exact response.  Now, would I recommend using an AI to create an entire course, no!  But, I don’t think it hurts to assist with the development if you have difficulty with choosing your […]

Where to Offer Online Courses and How Much to Charge

There are several places where one can offer online courses: Course Content Websites A course content website allows you to build out a course, they may provide some elements for marketing, and some offer the option to purchase a domain name. Marketplace Websites A marketplace allows you to list your courses. My top pick: Your […]